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The Playgrounds in Vágur

The School Playground

The playground lies beside the local school, at Vágsvegur 30. It is a modern playground with a rubber base, and you can park your car on the school’s parkinglot. Inside the schoolyard is an art project co-created by Ole Wich, a danish artist, and a 7th grade-class. You can find it on the pavement near the wall, where 15 school children have set their unique creative marks.

The Old Playground

In the heart of Vágur lies the old playground, between Hotel Bakkin and Brim B&B. The grocery store Torgið is situated not far. You can park your car across the playground, near the health center. From the parking lot, you can see artwork made by artist Ole Wich. It is named “What is cutting” or “What’s going on?”, word-playing on the Faroese slang “Hvat sker?”. The cuttings in the iron were made in connection with constructions of trawl-doors by the company Rock Trawl-doors. Therefore, the artwork is an “object trouvé” (a found object).

The Playground in the Park

In the Park, in the bay of Vágur, is a great playground surrounded by beautiful nature. The playground has table and benches so you can enjoy a light lunch. The playground is handicap-friendly included with a handicap swing for kids in wheelchairs.